2 tins of Potter's Asthma Smoking Mixture, in a form for smoking in a pipe, by Potter & Clarke Ltd., England, 1930-1960 2 tins of Potter's Asthma Smoking Mixture 1930-1960
Glass specimen jar, containing Roman wormwood herbs from South Europe, labelled 'ROMAN WORMWOOD, Artemisia pontica L, Compositae, Herb. S. Europe' Glass specimen jar 1870-1930
Cylindrical glass bottle, clear, with cork stopper, containing poppy seed oil, supplied by Potter & Clarke, English, 1870-1899 Cylindrical glass bottle 1870-1899
Glass jar, containing chillies, seed pods from East Indies, labelled 'CHILLIES, Capsicum annum L., Solanaceae, Fruits. East Indies' Glass jar 1860-1930
6 boxes of Potter's Juniper Pills "for the back and kidneys", by Potter & Clarke Ltd., England, 1940-1960 Potter's Juniper Pills 1940-1960
Tube of Antasma tablets, with instruction, in original carton, by Potter and Clarke, Ltd., English. Tube of Antasma tablets
Glass specimen jar, containing tied bundle of twigs, provenance unknown, labelled Cortex Mezerei, Potter and Clarke Glass specimen jar 1850-1920
Polythene bag containing dried poppy flowers supplied by Potter and Clarke Ltd., London and Manchester, English(?), 1900-1920, labelled 'Materia Medica specimen, POPPY FLOWERS, (PAPAVER RHOEAS), Potter & Clarke Ltd. London & Manchester' Polythene bag containing dried poppy flowers supplied by Potter and Clarke Ltd. 1900-1920
Carton of asthma pills, 'Potter's Asthma Pills' made by Potter & Clarke, London unopened, English, 19th century Carton of asthma pills, unopened, English, 19th ce 1870-1900